Thank you for submitting our Extensions Consultation Form. Our team are currently reviewing your application and will get back to you very shortly.
In the meantime, please find our 'Extensions Aftercare Essential Tips' below. It is important you read and abide by these tips in order to prolong the lifespan of your extensions.
Extensions Aftercare Essential Tips
You are on the verge of getting your fabulous new hair extensions applied and we want to ensure that you know how to care for them in the best way possible... So here are our Dry & Fly Essential Tips!!!!
1. You can shampoo your hair just 8 hours after the hair has been applied - so no more waiting around!
2. Make sure you wait 48 hours after you have had your hair coloured or had a professional straightening treatment done before you have your extensions applied.
3.Your hair must be shampooed at least once a week using our specially formulated Dry & Fly products or extension friendly products. Please ask your Dry & Fly stylist for more information.
4. When shampooing, it is best practice to shampoo your scalp and allow the shampoo and water to slowly run down the length of your hair. Never scrub the ends in a vigorous action. Never dry with a scrubbing action. We advise you to wrap your hair in a towel to absorb excess moisture. Always wash your hair with your head tilted back - never forward.
5. When allowing your hair to dry naturally, we recommend that you dry the bonds with a hair dryer in order to prevent them remaining wet for an extended period of time, as the bond is at its most vulnerable when wet.
6. Always wash your hair after swimming, using a sauna, exercising or participating in any activity that may create excess moisture in your hair.
7. Approximately two weeks after your application, we recommend that you return to your accredited Dry & Fly extensionist for a follow up visit. This visit allows your extensionist to inspect your extensions and ensure that your application result is performing as expected.
8. Brush your hair thoroughly a minimum of twice a day using an extensions specific brush. This brush is made especially to run smoothly through the bonds. Please ask your Dry & Fly stylist for more information.
9. Brush your hair in sections. Brush row-by-row beginning at the nape. Start brushing each section at the bottom and then once the ends are silky smooth, brush from the scalp to the ends. Tie your hair in a loose ponytail while sleeping or participating in sporting activities. These brushing and care steps will prevent tangling or matting at your bonds.
10. Styling your extensions is the best part as there is so much you can do with it - however there are some precautions that you will need to take. Blow-drying and use of curling irons, flat Irons and hot rollers can of course be used, however the heat must be kept at least 1.5 inches away from the extensions tip.
11. You can colour your hair as normal when you have extensions. This must be done with a Dry & Fly stylist so the stylist doing your colour respects your extensions and works with them.
12. Separate your bonds daily by simply running your fingers through your hair to prevent any tangling around the extensions tip.
13. It is completely normal to have some extension loss throughout the life span of your extensions. Remember the average person experiences natural hair loss of between 100 - 150 hairs a day. A full head of extensions covers approximately a third of your head. After some time you can expect to see some hair that has in fact shed naturally, yet it is still attached to the extension tip. This hair will have little while bulbs at the end. This is normal and should NOT be interpreted as hair that has been pulled out of the scalp by the extensions. Regular brushing as mentioned above will help to avoid those "loose" hairs from tangling with each other.
14. It is normal to loose a few bonds over the life span of your extensions.
15. You can allow your extensions to dry naturally however we would advice you to dry the extension tips to prevent them remaining wet for an extended period of time.
16. We would advise you to have your extensions cut and styled regularly in one of our Dry & Fly salons.
17. Always ensure that when having your hair cut - it is cut when dry. Never have your extensions cut when wet.
18. Our extensions encourage hair growth - they actually protect your natural hair that is inside the extension tip!! So remember that if you follow all of our tips - each and every time you have your extensions removed, your hair will be in better condition.
19. Do not leave your extensions in for longer than the recommended time that your accredited Dry & Fly stylist has advised.
20. Use a softening mask on the ends of your hair twice a week to maintain that silky soft feel.
21. And remember tag @dryandflydublin in lots and lots of selfies!!!
Important Terms
Should you change the colour or texture of your hair, you agree to notify the salon at least 14 days prior to the appointment to book a new consultation before proceeding with your extensions.
48 hours cancellation time is required on all appointments or 50% of total bill will be required (prices are subject to change without prior notice). Any queries regarding Dry & Fly hair extensions need to be brought to the attention of the salon within two weeks of the application. Once the two week maintenance check has been completed and the client is satisfied, from this point the brand will no longer be held responsible for product related issue not raised during the initial two week period.
Extensions can not be removed or relocated for at least two weeks after the initial application.
Please note that deposits are non-refundable.
I hereby agree that all the information given above in the attached SALON CONSULTATION AND REQUIREMENT SHEET is correct. I give my permission to Dry & Fly Ltd to use my before and after pictures for marketing purposes.
I certify that I have read and agreed to all of the guidelines set out above. I hereby agree that I will not hold the salon or brand responsible for any damage or injury, caused by failure to comply with the instructions given, or by failing to attend my free maintainence checkup.
In order to avail of the 14 day window period and activate it, please email this form to