COVID-19 Guidelines & Updates

Dry & Fly are doing our best to make your experience as safe as possible. We are being guided by The Government and indeed the Irish Hair Federation. In addition to this, each of our team members have completed and passed a Back to Work COVID Training course and assessment.

To make you experience as seamless as possible, please make sure you read each point below, prior to your visit with us. We look forward to seeing you!

  • Please avoid bringing in a lot of luggage ie. shopping bags, coats, etc as all items will have to be placed in a plastic bag for the duration of your service. This bag will be supplied upon arrival of your appointment.

  • Please arrive on time for your appointment (not early and not late). Due to restrictions we cannot guarantee your appointment slot if you are late.

  • Please ensure you arrive to your appointment wearing your own face mask. If you do not have a face mask, you can purchase one in the salon for €2.

  • Please come alone to your appointment as due to COVID restrictions we have limited capacity within the salon.

  • Please note that Dry & Fly will be unable to serve clients beverages or reading material for the duration of the COVID restrictions.

  • Please be mindful of others and respect social distancing guidelines within the premises.

  • In the interest of keeping our team and other clients safe, please email to cancel your appointment if you are feeling unwell, Even if you are showing very mild flu symptoms, please cancel and we can book you in when you are feeling better.

  • Our updated pricing and service menu can be found at